
We Add Value to the Building Industry

Ivas Group is an international reality that has been operating for more than half a century in finishes for construction, offering products, solutions, integrated technologies ideal to satisfy the most complex requirements of design and construction.
“We add value to the building industry” is this guiding concept that has propelled the IVAS Group to a leadership position in the construction industry.

Founded in 1953, Ivas is the group parent company and has a UNI EN ISO 9001 certified quality management system. The Ivas product range consists of processes and systems for protecting, restoring, insulating and decorating buildings. The company’s philosophy focuses on a simple concept: “High quality first and foremost”. The company, which boasts the highest quality standards in the sector, is currently made up of 5 divisions that operate in synergy to provide a comprehensive service to all of its partner clients in the building sector.